You are reading The Misadventures of Endora Pan, a romantic comedy exploring the unpredictable nature of love and the chaos of everyday life. Set in the world of a young Taiwanese-American woman, this story delves into themes of self-discovery, cultural identity, and finding connection in unexpected places. Written in a witty, self-aware style, this novel is for readers looking for a light-hearted yet emotional read.
“Are you okay, from our, you know, fall?” Dominic said. He ran a hand through his hair and looked off to the side.
Endora glared. “Actually, my body aches and my chocolate is still melted. Just my luck that I had to run into you again when all I wanted was to relieve some stress.”
Dominic raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me. You wanted to imagine punching me in the face a couple times.”
“You deserve it!”
“Well, hate to break it to you, but you wouldn’t start out punching.”
Endora’s face fell. Her deflation was so sudden and complete, Dominic couldn’t help laughing. “Hey, it’s fine. You’ll be punching me before you know it.”
She didn’t answer right away, but set her bag down and rubbed her shoulder. It’s at this point she finally registers the noise and smell of boxers echoing around her. She takes a deep breath. Instant regret. “Wow that’s pungent.”
Dominic laughed again. “You’re at a boxing gym!”
“Yeah, well!” Endora looked up at him. Huh. He has a nice laugh. She noticed for the first time his light brown eyes. Wait, no. No, Endora, no. This guy is no good. Think of your chocolate. “Shut up!”
He held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. Let’s just start over, yeah? I’m Dominic. You?”
Endora considered scoffing as a response but decided to be more Christ-like in that moment. “Endora,” she mumbled.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Front desk guy came back and rescued her from the necessity of a response. He cast an incredulous look at Dominic. “You didn’t even get her waiver signed?”
Dominic's eyes widened slightly. “Oh, right. The waiver. I was just, uh, getting to that.”
“Sure you were.” Front Desk Guy turned to Endora with an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that. I’m Ethan, by the way. Let’s get you set up properly.”
As Ethan guided her through the paperwork, Endora watched Dominic from the corner of her eye. He was leaning against the counter, fiddling with a pen, his brow furrowed in what looked like concentration.
“Yep, you’re all set,” Ethan handed her a pair of wraps. “Dominic here will show you how to put these on and give you a quick tour before class starts.”
Endora's head snapped up. “What? No, I'm sure I can figure it out myself. I don't need—”
“It’s gym policy and he owes me,” Ethan was already moving away, again. “Have fun!"
Dominic cleared his throat. “So, uh, ready for that tour?”
Endora sighed. She decided she hated Ethan. “I guess so. But I still don’t forgive you for the chocolate incident.”
“Noted,” Dominic said, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Though I still maintain it wasn't entirely my fault.”
As they walked towards the main gym area, Endora thought about how her friends would most certainly make this a standing joke about the absurdity of her life. “Only you,” Tiffany said all too often. Yes, but why me? Endora lamented to Jesus.
She never asked for a Korean drama life, but alas, life never unfolds as we expect.