You are reading The Misadventures of Endora Pan, a romantic comedy exploring the unpredictable nature of love and the chaos of everyday life. Set in the world of a young Taiwanese-American woman, this story delves into themes of self-discovery, cultural identity, and finding connection in unexpected places. Written in a witty, self-aware style, this novel is for readers looking for a light-hearted yet emotional read.
“So, first things first.” Dominic held up the hand wraps. “Let's get these on you.”
Endora held out her hands, trying to ignore the little jolt she felt when his fingers brushed against hers. She watched as he began to wind the wrap around her wrist, his movements quick and practiced.
“You work at this gym and drive a Fedex truck?”
Dominic glanced up without stopping his hands, meeting her eyes. “Nah, I help out here every now and then in exchange for gym usage. Ethan’s dad is my uncle and the owner. Nepotism at work.”
Endora was pretty sure that wasn’t the correct use of “nepotism,” but she was getting too distracted by the proximity of Dominic’s face to hers to think clearly. The scent of his aftershave mingling with the sour odor of the gym created a weirdly intoxicating mix. Wait, no. He’s the enemy. The chocolate murderer.
She closed her eyes and gave a little shake of her head to clear her head, taking in the rhythmic sounds of punching bags and the grunts of exertion from fellow gym-goes. Her hand swung up as though to swat temptation away. It made a sharp slapping sound as it came in contact with Dominic’s face.
“Ow! What the heck!”
Endora’s eyes shot open to meet her victim’s look of sheer incredulity and the culprit of the crime flew to her mouth in horror. She didn’t notice the hush that had fallen over the gym.
“We’re here to punch each other, not give back-handed slaps, you know.” Dominic rubbed the eye Endora had hit, wincing.
“It was a total accident and what were you doing so close to my face anyways?!”
“Uh, helping you? Remind me never to do that again.”
Ethan yelled from the front, “You guys ready for the warm-up yet or you gonna keep bickering like an old, married couple?”
“ARGH!” Endora grabbed her bag and made a beeline out of the gym.
As our heroine flees the scene of her latest social catastrophe, at this point, you would be forgiven for shaking your own head at the disastrous way this story is going. How will these two sworn enemies ever make it onto friendly terms, let alone fall in love? You’re in luck, because you have a trusty narrator who will now enlighten you on the mysterious ways of the heart.
Step 1 of falling in love: Find someone you are comfortable bickering with like an old, married couple. Why? Because you’ll be doing that for the rest of your lives together, and you ought to make sure you bicker well together.
Step 2: Don’t run away from that someone once you find them.
Endora didn’t know about step two and didn’t have this omniscient narrator giving her life advice, you see. A pity.