You are reading The Misadventures of Endora Pan, a romantic comedy exploring the unpredictable nature of love and the chaos of everyday life. Set in the world of a young Taiwanese-American woman, this story delves into themes of self-discovery, cultural identity, and finding connection in unexpected places. Written in a witty, self-aware style, this novel is for readers looking for a light-hearted yet emotional read.
For Endora, without whom my life would be a whole lot duller and less hilarious
Endora's life is a recipe for disaster: one part corporate job, two parts baking business, and a dash of clumsiness. When she crashes into Dominic, a FedEx driver with dry wit, it's hardly love at first sight. But fate keeps throwing them together. As Endora juggles her business and romantic hesitations, she learns that love, like baking, requires taking risks and embracing the mess. A funny tale of faith, friendship, and finding love in unexpected places.
at torotea playing wingspan!
also, is it supposed to be “a whole LOT duller”?
Their first date should be at Toro Tea 😂